02:10 AM on 19/12/2024

Put some new strings on my bass today. Sounds excellent.

11:35 PM on 06/12/2024

Dillo is one of the greatest free software projects on the planet. A small, quick, minimalist web browser without the clunk, without the junk (and without most modern capabilities). It does what it does very well.

09:32 PM on 01/12/2024

Yesterday I bought, played, and finished the 2016 game Layers Of Fear. Highly enjoyable. In many ways, it reminds me of the last game I played, 1993's Haunting Starring Polterguy for the Sega Genesis. Both games are about haunted houses. Layers Of Fear delivered the fear, alright. There were several jump scares that got me, which is a rarity. I'd like to play the 2023 remake of the same name, with bonus content and enhanced graphics.

01:21 AM on 26/11/2024

Been playing a lot of retro games. I played some Haunting Starring Polterguy for the Sega Genesis today. A fun game.

01:52 AM on 13/11/2024

The Repeating Man

11:02 PM on 09/11/2024

I picked up a copy of The Urantia Book today, as well as a Concordex of the Urantia Book. Read The Urantia Book Here. I also bought 3 volumes of the Attack On Titan manga; volumes 2, 3, and 4. I'll need to find volume 1 for a respectable price.

02:18 PM on 07/11/2024

Modern science fiction will not age well.

01:53 PM on 06/11/2024

Mango Mussolini won.

05:22 PM on 05/11/2024

It's election day down south. Good luck, America.

03:37 PM on 05/11/2024


Active Vintage Websites, Old Webpages, and Web 1.0

04:51 PM on 04/11/2024


A headless snake writhes on the tracks.
Mindless, it coils, it crawls.
A body that bites, lost to itself.
Silent fury, blind and raw.
Twisting shape, no will, no law.
Death without end, life without sense.